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Time Sharing, Child Custody, and Summer Break: 3 Things to Consider

Any divorced parent knows that figuring out custody and time-sharing is a huge issue, especially over children’s summer break from school. A skilled Family Law attorney can make your life so much easier and help you navigate through the many issues involved. Cobb Cole will aid you in settling problems and protecting you and your children.

Children Come First

The most important thing is to think about the needs of your child or children first. You may have a vision of an ideal summer vacation like camping at a lake but that may not be your child’s favorite thing. He may want to play baseball or your dream trip may conflict with his summer camp plans. While it is great to have children try new things, think about their interests first. It is also important to be willing to work with your ex-spouse and not be worried about winning when making plans. Because we all have such busy lives, formulating a schedule that works for everyone is the best way to go. There can be a large time-sharing schedule of a few weeks or the weeks can be separated. There are so many different ways to arrange the summer break schedule and courts will generally agree with what you and your ex can agree on.

Conflict Does Not Work For Anyone And Get It In Writing

Whether you have joint or sole custody, following the schedule and putting the children before either parent’s wishes is best. It is critical to try to work together if at all possible, to make things good for the kids. Stress and conflict are not healthy for you and are definitely not positive for your children. If everyone is trying to be right, things tend to go wrong. A skilled Family Law attorney from Cobb Cole can help resolve custody issues and show you options for settling conflicts. Having a knowledgeable attorney on your side can help you negotiate and keep your cool in the often difficult scheduling sessions. And do not forget to write down your time-sharing, and summer break agreements when they have been decided between you and your ex-spouse. The best way to make sure things go smoothly is to have the details listed so the other party cannot say they did not understand or remember the terms. If the changes are significant they should also be filed with the Court. And be sure to review the agreement with your Family Law attorney before reaching the final terms.

Know Your Rights But Be Flexible

There is generally nothing that makes custody issues get bigger than when either side gets very technical on schedules or digs in their heels and will not compromise. Usually, if you are willing to switch weekends for your ex-spouse’s special event, they will be willing to switch when you have an unexpected change too. While you need to be firm and make sure the rules are followed, showing grace can go a long way. As a general rule, remember not to sweat the small stuff. Your Family Law attorney will aid you in knowing when to compromise and when you need to fight to protect yourself and your children.

Cobb Cole Family Law

The team at Cobb Cole is knowledgeable in Family Law and what you need to do to work out child custody, time-sharing, and other issues. They know how to settle issues that can be resolved and when you need to fight to protect your rights. Summer break can be a great time for you and your children when you work with the Cobb Cole team.

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At Cobb Cole we’ve stacked the deck. Each of our talented attorneys provide uniquely specialized service areas enabling us to offer an expansive variety of essential services to our clients. For each service we offer, multiple attorneys on our team collaborate together so that you get the best service available.

Daytona Beach

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