Collaborative attorneys in Daytona Beach.

Family Law

We work diligently to help you navigate through Family Law matters.

Top Caliber Representation In Complex Family Law Matters

Family law includes more than just divorce. Our attorneys are experienced in handling cases involving:


Spousal Support (Alimony). Whether you seek to receive or avoid paying spousal support, we can enforce your rights.


Child Custody, Parenting Plans, & Timesharing. Protecting your children and your rights to your children.


Child Support. The amount of child support you will pay or receive involves applying the child support guidelines according to Florida law. However, there can be variations in the amount based on certain specific factors. We have the experience to know the factors that impact the child support guideline amount and how and when to seek a deviation from the guideline amount.


Enforcement & Modification. After an order is entered in your case, there may arise issues with the other party following the Court’s order. Additionally, as situations change, current orders may need to be modified as a result. Knowing how to enforce an order and what is required to have an order modified requires extensive knowledge in the field of divorce law, which our attorneys at Cobb Cole have.


Paternity. Parents who have a child out-of-wedlock address timesharing and child support issues in a paternity action. A timesharing schedule and parenting plan must be established by a Court to protect the parent’s and the child’s rights.


Pre-Marital (Prenup) & Post-Marital Agreements. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can act as an insurance policy to protect what matters to you most with proper planning. These agreements have specific requirements to be enforceable, and you should invest in an attorney that is proficient in drafting these complex contracts. At Cobb Cole, our family law practice and our estate planning team often work together to ensure all of the client’s assets are protected in the event of a divorce or untimely death.


Relocation. If you wish to move and you have a child, you should consult with a knowledgeable family law attorney to determine if you are required to file a petition for relocation with the Court. Failure to file a petition, when required, may dramatically impact the outcome of a case.


Family Law Appeals. If the Court enters an Order, there is a limited amount of time to file an appeal. Contact an experienced Daytona Beach family law attorney as soon as you receive an Order to preserve your appellate remedies.


While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact our family law attorneys. To schedule a consultation with one of our family law attorneys, please call our Daytona Beach Office at: 386-255-8171 or DeLand Office at : 386-736-7700 or complete the intake form below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Protecting Your Interests Through The Divorce Process

You need an experienced attorney to assist you in navigating the divorce process. The attorneys of Cobb Cole provide valuable counsel, insight, and clarity during the divorce process. Representing clients in Daytona Beach and the surrounding areas of Florida since 1925, Cobb Cole is an invaluable asset during a divorce.


At Cobb Cole, we resolve the complex dissolution of marriage cases efficiently and effectively. We offer options from traditional litigation to collaborative “no-court“ divorce and mediation. We work with clients to determine the best way to divide business interests, stocks, retirement, savings, multiple properties, and other complex assets using the best method to protect your privacy and interests. With a wide breadth of legal disciplines within the firm, our lawyers can identify exposures ahead of time and protect your interests throughout your divorce.


Handling All Aspects Of Divorce

Cobb Cole‘s family and marital law practice section combines aggressive representation with a no-nonsense approach to resolving and litigating matters in the difficult emotional circumstances surrounding family and marital legal issues, including:


Prenuptial & Post-Nuptial Agreements. Preemptively protect your financial interests with a strategic plan, including prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements.


Equitable Distribution. Structure a plan to effectuate the division of assets and liabilities in an advantageous way to you.


Alimony & Child Support. Negotiate and litigate to protect your financial interests as they pertain to spousal support (alimony) and child support.


Child Custody, Parenting Plans, & Timesharing. Protect your rights relating to your children through child custody and visitation (timesharing) negotiations and litigation. At Cobb Cole, we will work with you to craft a parenting plan that uniquely fits your family.


Family Law Appeals. If the Court enters an Order, there is a limited amount of time to file an appeal. Contact an experienced family law attorney as soon as you receive an Order to preserve your appellate remedies.


High-Asset Divorce. Clients with a high net worth or extensive assets encounter unique challenges in a divorce. It is imperative to deal proactively with all property, business, and tax issues — including securing accurate business valuations and helping you plan financially for life after divorce.


High-Conflict Divorce. While all divorce cases involve some degree of conflict, certain cases fall into the category of “high-conflict” divorce. Our attorneys know how to handle best aggressive spouses, spouses who hide assets or who incur massive debt, and spouses who use the children as pawns. Our expertise in this area allows us to quickly reign in the unruly spouse and recommend other professionals, like forensic accountants, mental health counselors, and parenting coordinators.


Collaborative Divorce. Our Family Law attorneys are trained in the collaborative process. The collaborative process is unique because the parties work together with a “team” of professionals to resolve their issues and dissolve their marriage amicably. For more information, or to see if this process may be suited for your situation, please refer to the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals website at Collaborative Practice Florida.


To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, please call our Daytona Beach Office at: 386-255-8171 or DeLand Office at : 386-736-7700 or complete the intake form below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


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The best way to get guidance is to contact our offices to schedule a consultation.

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Comprehensive legal services so you always know who to call.

At Cobb Cole we’ve stacked the deck. Each of our talented attorneys provide uniquely specialized service areas enabling us to offer an expansive variety of essential services to our clients. For each service we offer, multiple attorneys on our team collaborate together so that you get the best service available.

Blending compassionate care with superior legal service for nearly a century.