Collaborative attorneys in Daytona Beach.

Governmental Law

We represent our clients before local, regional, and state governmental bodies.

For better or worse, the government is a regular part of any business. Without proper attention to compliance issues, tax matters and countless other government-related issues, an otherwise thriving business can be ruined, and one mistake on a tax return can be extremely costly for an individual.


Any government agency or administrative office is going to be inefficient and complicated to deal with. Make sure you work with an experienced team of lawyers that knows how to navigate the complex government red tape and protect your interests.


Located in Daytona Beach, Florida, Cobb Cole‘s governmental law practice section offers general representation for businesses and individuals before all federal, state, regional and local governmental bodies. The governmental law practice section also provides representation for governmental agencies in areas including legislative relations, lobbying, local and regional government, governmental contracting, and public law and constitutional matters.


On both state and local levels, the attorneys in Cobb Cole‘s governmental law practice section draw on years of governmental practice and have previously represented both private and public clients before all branches of state government, as well as in governmental matters before local government and its related agencies. Attorneys in the governmental law practice section also serve as special counsel to governmental entities on issues relating to land use regulations and other real estate issues, governance structure, impact fees and municipal finance.


While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact our attorneys. To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, please call our Daytona Beach Office at: 386-255-8171 or DeLand Office at : 386-736-7700 or complete the intake form below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Cobb Cole handles a wide variety of administrative law matters for its clients before federal, state, regional and local governmental agencies in Daytona Beach and throughout the surrounding area of Florida.


The firm has appeared in contested hearings, as well as challenged proposed rules and rule-making procedures under state and federal administrative procedure acts. The firm’s attorneys have represented clients on a diverse range of issues, including:

• Land use
• Environmental permitting and enforcement
• Business regulation and compliance
• State land purchase and sales
• Employment and discrimination complaints
• Professional licensing
• City and county admissions issues


Lawyers from Cobb Cole also have extensive experience in open government issues under Florida’s public records and Sunshine laws. Cobb Cole represents both public and private clients in advising and litigating matters arising under Florida’s public records and public meetings laws.


While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact our attorneys. To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, please call our Daytona Beach Office at: 386-255-8171 or Deland Office at : 386-736-7700 or complete the intake form below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Attorneys who specialize in this service include:

Call 386-255-8171 or complete the form below.

The best way to get guidance is to contact our offices to schedule a consultation.

The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

Comprehensive legal services so you always know who to call.

At Cobb Cole we’ve stacked the deck. Each of our talented attorneys provide uniquely specialized service areas enabling us to offer an expansive variety of essential services to our clients. For each service we offer, multiple attorneys on our team collaborate together so that you get the best service available.

Blending compassionate care with superior legal service for nearly a century.