Collaborative attorneys in Daytona Beach.

Environmental Law

Helping businesses navigate environmental laws and regulations.

For many businesses and individuals, legal representation in the area of environmental law can mean the difference between success and significant loss. For decades, many Florida clients have trusted the diverse team of attorneys at Cobb Cole for sound counsel and assertive representation in a range of environmental law issues.


Since 1925, the lawyers of Cobb Cole have been building an unshakeable reputation for strong, ethical representation and invaluable counsel in a diverse range of legal practice areas. Located in Daytona Beach, Cobb Cole represents clients throughout the local Florida area.


Several Cobb Cole attorneys practice extensively in the field of environmental law. Our attorneys provide general advice and representation concerning environmental laws and regulations, including issues involving:

• Representation of parties before environmental regulators
• Advice concerning environmental issues in financing and business transactions
• Environmental permitting for commercial users, industries, land developers and property owners
• Air and water pollution regulation
• Soil and groundwater contamination issues
• Brownfields redevelopment (properties impacted by actual or perceived environmental contamination)
• Site remediation
• Wetland issues
• Species and habitat regulation
• Superfund issues


Cobb Cole attorneys have been recognized for establishing legal precedents affecting a range of legal matters, including local government impacts fees, user fees and environmental regulation. The firm has also had a significant precedent-setting impact in litigation of major environmental and agricultural cases and environmental permitting and comprehensive planning matters.


Cobb Cole attorneys have also handled redevelopment through the state and federal brownfields program. These services include obtaining local government brownfield designation, negotiating brownfield site rehabilitation agreements, achieving regulatory closure of environmental matters through risk-based solutions and obtaining local, state and federal brownfields program benefits and incentives.


While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact our attorneys. To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, please call our Daytona Beach Office at: 386-255-8171 or DeLand Office at : 386-736-7700 or complete the intake form below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Attorneys who specialize in this service include:

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The best way to get guidance is to contact our offices to schedule a consultation.

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Comprehensive legal services so you always know who to call.

At Cobb Cole we’ve stacked the deck. Each of our talented attorneys provide uniquely specialized service areas enabling us to offer an expansive variety of essential services to our clients. For each service we offer, multiple attorneys on our team collaborate together so that you get the best service available.

Blending compassionate care with superior legal service for nearly a century.