Collaborative attorneys in Daytona Beach.

Dissolving a Business as Painlessly as Possible: What You Need to Know

Dissolving a Business as Painlessly as Possible: What You Need to Know

Most multi-owner businesses start with a shared vision, passion, and aspirations for success. However, despite everyone’s best intentions, not all business ventures are destined to thrive or survive. Conflicting goals, shifting priorities, and different management styles can slowly strain and erode a collaboration. External factors, like market shifts and financial constraints, may come into play as […]

3 Reasons Why Mediation is a Top Dispute Resolution Method

3 Reasons Why Mediation is a Top Dispute Resolution Method

Are you having a problem with a construction project, a real estate deal, or a supplier to your business? Your next step could be calling in your legal team and filing a lawsuit. However, you may want to consider the consequences – construction will come to a halt, you will lose the property deal, and/or your critical […]

3 Ways Mediation may be Helpful in Business Disputes

3 Ways Mediation may be Helpful in Business Disputes

With the costs of business litigation constantly rising and all the delays in our overburdened legal system, you may be looking for an alternative to taking your conflicts to court. Now is a great time to look at mediation to resolve your business disputes. The lawyers and mediators at Cobb Cole are ready to assist you with your legal issues. […]

The Most Common Types of Dispute Resolution Methods

Dispute resolution is a field that deals with the handling of disputes between parties. In many cases, it’s preferable to use a non-judicial method of dispute resolution before resorting to the courts. This article will discuss four standard dispute resolution methods: arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and negotiation.  Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but they all […]